Lorie Tudor, Director | Arkansas Department of Transportation
Lorie Tudor, Director | Arkansas Department of Transportation
TOPEKA - The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) is enhancing safety and promoting health for students through its Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program. This initiative aims to improve the infrastructure and plans that support students walking, biking, or rolling to school.
Ann Katt, KDOT’s SRTS Coordinator, emphasized the benefits of physical activity before school: "Being active before school helps students concentrate and improves alertness and memory. Students arrive and are ready to learn."
The first SRTS Strategic Action Plan has been released, outlining past achievements and future strategies. Over the last 18 months, KDOT conducted a statewide online survey, workshops for advisory committee members, and discussions with focus groups to engage stakeholders and the public.
"This plan details KDOT’s commitment to providing resources that help support safe communities for students and families of all backgrounds and abilities," said Katt.
KDOT encourages community involvement in building the SRTS network by joining the email list for updates, registering schools to access resources, events, and networks promoting safe travel to school. More information can be found on their website at [Getting Started — Kansas Safe Routes to School](https://saferoutes.ksdot.gov/getting-started).
For further inquiries about the program, Ann Katt can be contacted via email at ann.katt@ks.gov or visit [KDOT's website](https://saferoutes.ksdot.gov/).
Information from this article can be found here.